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Delivery time between 2 - 4 business days. Free shipping from €29,95 and free returns (Peninsula)

Make the bed or not? Question of Health

Making the bed is bad for your health

We have read that making the bed is bad for the health. How do you stay when you hear this? Yes, we are also amazed. Years and years listening to our mothers with the romance of each morning «Daughter, make the bed» so that now a study arrives breaking all our schemes and affirming that making the bed is bad for the health. All the bedding undone!

Now you will ask yourself, and why is making the bed bad for your health? Scientific studies of University of Kingston claim Making the bed is bad for your health since the mites that live in the bedding survive better in a bed well made that in a undone. By covering the mites with the sheets, the bouti bedspreads and / or the Duvet Cover, these arachnids increase their life expectancy, to live in better conditions because of the heat of the bedding and the humidity generated by human sweat.

Mites die more easily on unmade beds, especially with a good ventilation of bedrooms and beds. The sun and fresh air are two of the mites' biggest enemies, which they can do little to survive before a unmade bed and open windows.

So we do not make the bed?

Making the bed is bad for your health because of the mites

4 advantages of making the bed in the morning

It is an option! But there are also Advantages of making the bed in the mornings:
1. You will avoid throwing a little headache if you have 5 minutes left. Who has not ever taken advantage of a bed undone to become the lazy? With the bed made, it's over.
2. Starts the order from your room for your bed. You will see your room much tidier with the bed made and, possibly, you will want to keep ordering other corners of it
3. You will teach your children to be ordered. If it is difficult for your children to be ordained, making your bed is a norm that will help you be more orderly with your tasks.
4. You will rest better in a bed well made and without wrinkles in a bed stretched in half a minute before bedtime.

One of the advantages of making the bed is the order in your room

So, do the bed or not?

If the advantages of making your bed in the morning and in order are stronger in your brain than leaving your bed undone so that the mites are not in their best conditions to survive, we recommend that you ventilate the rooms frequently, who wash the sheets, bouti bedspreads and Duvet Cover regularly and also, the dried sun.

Otherwise, you can stop making your bed, but do not tell your mother!

making the bed is bad for the health